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Hiding Assets During a Divorce: Understanding Why Spouses Do It

 Posted on May 02, 2023 in Divorce

shutterstock_1010041777.jpg Divorce proceedings can bring out the worst in people. It is not uncommon for spouses to hide assets during divorce proceedings - especially during a high-net-worth divorce. Hiding assets is illegal and can lead to serious consequences in a divorce case. Therefore, it is essential to understand why a spouse engages in such conduct. And remember, if you think your spouse may be hiding assets from you, alert your divorce attorney to ensure that any remaining assets can be accounted for to ensure you can obtain a fair settlement.

Why Do Spouses Hide Assets?  

While every case is different, the following are of examples of why a spouse may try to hide assets during divorce proceedings, including: 

  • Greed – Some spouses may be motivated to hide assets by a desire to hang onto as many assets as possible during a divorce – which may stem from plain old greed. They may feel entitled to more than their fair share from the joint marital assets, leading them to try and keep them safe from property division in the divorce case.

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My Spouse Has Been Violent Toward Me in the Past, But I Have No Evidence. How May This Affect Divorce Proceedings?

 Posted on April 27, 2023 in Domestic Violence

wheaton divorce lawyer Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many families around the world. It can have long-lasting impacts on the emotional and physical well-being of those involved, especially the sufferer. In a divorce proceeding, allegations of domestic abuse are taken very seriously. Fortunately, in Illinois, there are steps sufferers of domestic abuse can take during divorce proceedings to protect the well-being of themselves and any children involved. If domestic violence is a factor in your divorce, contact an experienced family law attorney to understand your legal options at this time.

Here is What You Can Do

Illinois is a no-fault state when it comes to grounds for divorce, meaning that domestic violence cannot legally be considered a reason to end the marriage. In Illinois, the grounds for divorce are irreconcilable differences. However, not all hope is lost for the sufferer. Obtaining an order of protection is usually the first step someone can take when dealing with issues related to domestic violence. The order of protection can prevent the abuser from contacting you, and if children are involved, it will also prevent the abuser from contacting the children. If the abuser is living in the home with the accuser, an order of protection can implement proximity restrictions to ensure that the abuser is forced to leave the shared residence. An order of protection may also interrupt current custody or parenting time arrangements. If the order is violated, criminal charges may be levied against the abuser.

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Understanding the Differences Between Mediation and Collaborative Law

 Posted on April 25, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyer Collaborative law and mediation are two alternative dispute resolution methods that offer couples an opportunity to resolve their divorce outside of a courtroom. Although both ways share some similarities, they are different in their approach, process, and outcome. If you are considering divorce and want to understand the differences between these two methods, contact an experienced divorce attorney to decide which divorce method may be suitable for you and your situation. 

What is Mediation in the Context of a Divorce?

Divorce mediation is a process where a third party, neutral to both sides, assists the couple in reaching a settlement agreement. The mediator does not take sides and does not provide legal advice. Instead, the mediator facilitates communication between the couple, helps them identify issues, and guides them toward an acceptable resolution for both sides. Mediation is based on the principle of voluntary participation, confidentiality, and impartiality. 

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My Ex-Spouse Has Turned My Children Against Me. What Should I Do?

 Posted on April 19, 2023 in Divorce

naperville divorce lawyer Divorce is never easy, and things can get even more complicated when children are involved. One of the most challenging and heart-wrenching situations for divorced parents is when their ex-spouse has turned their children against them in an act of parental alienation. This can be an emotionally devastating experience, and it is crucial to take action to try to repair the relationship you have with your children. For a parent in this situation, it is essential to speak with an experienced family law attorney to see your legal opportunities during this difficult time.

Why Contact a Family Law Attorney?

You may wonder, what legal options do I have? Well, depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to file a motion to the court to modify custody or visitation. Doing so may secure you more quality time with your children, strengthening your relationship with them in the short and long term.

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I Mentioned a Prenuptial Agreement, and My Fiancé Reacted Badly. Should I Drop the Topic?

 Posted on April 18, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyerWhen it comes to discussing a prenuptial agreement, it is not uncommon for one party to have a negative reaction. The idea of a prenup can be daunting, especially if it has not been discussed before. However, just because your fiancé reacted badly does not necessarily mean you should drop the topic altogether. If you want to sign a prenuptial agreement or learn more about what they entail, contact an experienced family law attorney to see whether a prenup is right for you and your fiancé. 

How to Respond if Your Spouse is Hesitant  

1.   Understand their concerns – It is essential to understand why your fiancé reacted adversely to the idea of a prenup. Are they concerned it means you do not trust them? Do they think it means you are planning for the end of the marriage? Are they worried about the financial implications? Once you understand their concerns, you can address them and work together to find a solution,

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What You Should Do Right Now if Your Spouse Has Begun Threatening Divorce

 Posted on April 13, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyerIf your spouse has begun threatening divorce, it can be a frightening and stressful experience. However, taking action to protect yourself legally and psychologically is important. While it may be upsetting, consider consulting with a divorce attorney if your spouse is threatening divorce. Threats of divorce should not be taken lightly, and an experienced divorce attorney will likely have good advice as you approach this delicate situation.

Do These Things if Your Spouse Threatens Divorce

Here are some steps you should take right now:

  • Consult with a lawyer – As stated at the outset, speaking with a lawyer as soon as possible is essential to understand your legal rights and options. A lawyer can help you understand your rights, provide advice, and help you prepare for any legal proceedings.

  • Seek support – Threats of divorce can be very emotional, and you may need support from friends, family, or a therapist. Talking to someone can help you process your emotions and provide you with a support system.

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What to Do if You Think Your Spouse is Dissipating Assets

 Posted on April 11, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyer Dissipation of assets during divorce is a serious issue that can arise when one spouse uses marital property solely to benefit themselves for a purpose unrelated to the marriage. This may include extravagant spending, gambling, or investing in a new romantic partner. If you suspect your spouse is dissipating assets, taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and ensure a fair settlement is crucial. The first step of which should be hiring an experienced divorce attorney who can help you ensure your rights and best interests are fully protected. 

This is What You Should Do if You Think Your Spouse is Dissipating Assets 

If you believe your spouse is intentionally squandering marital assets, here is what you should do:

  • Gather evidence – The first step in addressing the suspected dissipation of assets is to gather evidence. This may include reviewing bank statements, credit card statements, and other financial documents demonstrating excessive spending or unexplained transactions. It is crucial to make copies of any relevant documents and keep them in a safe place, as you may need to present this evidence in court.

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Coping Strategies for Handling the First Holiday After the Divorce

 Posted on April 06, 2023 in Divorce

shutterstock_762425893-min.jpg Divorce can be a psychologically challenging experience, and the first holiday after a split can be hard to navigate. This is especially true this time of year for Easter, a time when families often come together to celebrate. Today, we will discuss coping strategies to help you through this difficult time. Remember, experienced divorce attorneys have likely had clients in the past who were concerned about how they would handle the first holiday after a divorce. Consider consulting with your attorney to see whether they have any additional advice as you look to get past Easter with your emotions intact.

Four Coping Strategies to Consider

The following are strategies that you can implement to help you get through this Easter, including:

  • Establish new traditions – One of the best ways to cope with the first Easter after a divorce is to establish new traditions. This can help redefine the holiday, making it less about what you and your ex-spouse used to do and more about what you and your family want to do moving forward. Consider incorporating new activities, such as attending a local Easter egg hunt, cooking a special meal, or participating in a community event. 

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How Should I Broach the Subject of Divorce with My Spouse? 

 Posted on April 04, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyer Divorce is a sensitive and complex issue that requires careful consideration and tactful communication. When approaching your spouse with the idea of divorce, it is crucial to maintain a respectful, empathetic, and composed tone. Today, we will discuss the best ways to bring up the idea of divorce and the pitfalls to avoid, helping to ensure a constructive and respectful conversation with your spouse. Remember, if you are considering divorce, consult a well-established attorney to protect your rights and best interests. 

How to Bring up Divorce to Your Spouse

Here are a few considerations if you are considering bringing up the topic of divorce, including:

  • Choose the right time and place – Timing is essential when discussing such a delicate topic. Avoid bringing up the subject of divorce during a heated argument or when your spouse is experiencing emotional distress. Instead, select a calm and neutral environment, free of distractions and potential interruptions. Ensure you and your spouse have ample time to engage in the conversation without feeling rushed or pressured.

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What You Should Look for When Hiring a Divorce Attorney

 Posted on March 28, 2023 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyer Divorce can be one of the most challenging and stressful times in a person's life. Having the right divorce attorney by your side is essential to helping you navigate this strenuous process. But with so many attorneys, how do you select the right one? Today, we will discuss things to look for and keep in mind as you go about choosing a divorce attorn


Here is What You Should Look for in a Divorce Attorney

Look for these things when hiring a divorce attorney including:

  • Communication – Communication is critical in any legal case, especially in divorce. Look for an attorney who listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and keeps you informed. You should feel comfortable asking your attorney any questions you may have.

  • Availability – Ensure your attorney has the time and resources to handle your case. You do not want to hire an attorney who is too busy to give your case the attention it deserves. Ask about their availability and how quickly they respond to calls and emails.

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