
After Hour New Client Telephone Number 630-690-6077

1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

What Happens When Business Partners Divorce?

DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

Divorce proceedings require that all marital property be divided equitably between the parties upon divorce. What does "equitable" mean? What is considered "marital property?" Rich or poor, children or not, divorce impacts all people significantly in different ways. One unique situation that some divorcing couples must face is division of a very important part of their lives—their business.

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Is Mediation Right for My Case?

DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution option in legal matters, and is becoming increasingly more common in family law matters such as divorce, child support, and allocation of parental responsibility disputes. Mediation provides a lower-cost alternative to court that allows the parties to work with a qualified mediator to address each party's individual concerns in hopes of reaching an amicable resolution outside of the courtroom. To find out if mediation might be a viable alternative in your family law case, contact an experienced Illinois family law attorney right away.

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Your Financial Divorce

DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

No one gets married anticipating their marriage will end in divorce. The reality is that thousands of Americans face this devastating life challenge every year. Financial pressures, children, and work stressors may all contribute to couples reaching their wits end with their spouse. Though couples may have varying reasons for deciding to file for divorce, all couples face the same difficulties when it comes to property and asset division during the divorce settlement process. Thus, it is critical to consult a knowledgeable DuPage County divorce law attorney to protect your assets during divorce proceedings.

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Changes to Illinois Divorce Law for the New Year

DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act governs the legal processes for separation, divorce, and child custody matters in the State of Illinois. Legislation passed in July 2015 promises big changes to the Act beginning January 1, 2016. Among other things, the biggest changes involve the permissible grounds and time constraints involved when filing for divorce, as well as new guidelines for allocating parental responsibilities. Understanding how these new laws may affect you if you are in the middle of or thinking of filing for divorce requires hiring an experienced Illinois divorce attorney to guide you through the process.

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What is the Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Illinois?

Wheaton Family Law Attorneys

While the most common approach to solving seemingly irreconcilable differences between married couples is divorce, legal separation is another, less permanent option some individuals consider. Being physically separated from your spouse and being legally separated from your spouse are two entirely different things; with a legal separation, you are living apart, but still legally married. The court can order a separation and also include aspects such as child support and custody arrangements for the separation time period, much like a court would for a divorce. Hiring an effective legal advocate well-versed in family law that can help explain this process to you is the greatest way to ensure the best possible outcome given your family's unique situation.

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