After Hour New Client Telephone Number 630-690-6077
1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
DuPage County Domestic Violence Lawyers
Attorneys For Help with Orders of Protection and False Accusations in Wheaton and Naperville
In Illinois, over 110,000 incidents of domestic violence are reported every year. During the stressful time leading up to a divorce or dealing with a family law dispute, domestic violence situations are not uncommon. At The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., protecting our clients and our clients' families is our No. 1 priority when domestic violence is involved. Our attorneys help clients establish the legal protections they need for their safety and peace of mind.
Domestic Violence Allegations In Illinois
There are numerous behaviors that are considered domestic violence in Illinois. If a member of your family (or household), or an intimate partner physically harms you or threatens you or your child, it is important take legal action right away. Getting a restraining order is typically the first step in a domestic violence situation. A restraining order prevents your abuser from contacting you. If the abuse involves a child, it will prevent the abuser from contacting the child. Typically, there will be proximity restrictions that can force an abuser to leave a shared home or interrupt parental responsibility (custody) and parenting time/visitation arrangements. The specific restrictions are outlined in the order. If the order is violated, there may be criminal consequences.
In Illinois, the court has the authority to immediately grant a temporary restraining order (TRO) based solely on the account of the petitioner. In order for the restraining order to be made more permanent, however, the petitioner and the alleged abuser must attend a hearing, and both sides have the opportunity to present evidence. Our attorneys are skilled in representing victims of domestic violence, and we strongly advocate for permanent restraining orders for our clients who are in danger.
False Allegations Of Domestic Violence
Because of the contentious nature of many family law matters, it is not uncommon for false allegations of domestic violence to be made in hopes of swinging a case in one direction. For example, one party might accuse the other party of domestic violence and obtain a restraining order in an attempt to manipulate the allocation of parental responsibilities. If one of our clients is falsely accused of domestic violence, our attorneys carefully investigate the complaint to determine the facts. We thoroughly prepare to defend our clients against such tactics.
If you are involved in a domestic violence situation or you have been falsely accused, contact us at 630-462-9500 . We will listen to your story and explain your legal options. If necessary, we will help you get a restraining order to help protect you and your family. From our office in Wheaton, Illinois, we help clients throughout northern Illinois, including DuPage, Cook, DeKalb, Kane, Kendall and Will counties.