After Hour New Client Telephone Number 630-690-6077
1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
DuPage County Lawyers For Visitation And Parenting Time Matters
Child Visitation and Parenting Time Attorneys in Wheaton, IL
When parents are divorced or unmarried, parental responsibility (child custody) and visitation/parenting matters must be resolved. In most cases, these matters are amicably negotiated out of court. When parents do not agree, however, child-related issues can become a source of serious contention. At The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our attorneys are skilled in handling child custody and visitation disputes. We understand how important parenting time is, and we aggressively represent our clients' parental rights.
Establishing Visitation Rights In Illinois
In Illinois, parents almost always have the right to visitation/parenting time with their children. How visitation/parenting time schedules are made depends on a number of factors, including:
- The wishes of both parents
- The age of the child
- How involved the parent was with the child beforehand
- Logistics of implementing the visitation schedule
Reaching an agreement on visitation/parenting time out of court through negotiation or mediation is always preferred, as it provides the parents with more control over the outcome. Avoiding a contentious courtroom battle is also in the best interests of the child, as maintaining an amicable relationship during a divorce or parentage action can minimize conflict in the future. In some cases, however, an amicable visitation/parenting time agreement is not possible and litigation is necessary. Our attorneys have successfully represented custodial and noncustodial parents in visitation/parenting time rights matters. While the law in Illinois has been recently changed to eliminate such titles, we will continue to help protect the rights of all parents in seeking the parental responsibilities and parenting time they deserve.
Our firm also represents grandparents in visitation disputes. Under Illinois law, grandparents may petition to assert visitation privileges with their grandchildren, but only under certain circumstances. Like all child-related matters, the best interests of the child are paramount when grandparent visitation is sought.
Modification And Enforcement Of Child Visitation Order In DuPage County
Once a visitation/parenting time order is finalized, either by agreement or order of the court, all parties are bound to follow it. As personal circumstances change, however, the visitation/parenting schedule may also need to be changed. To do so, a petition for a modification to an existing visitation/parenting order must be filed with the court. The court can also help to enforce existing visitation/parenting orders that are not being followed properly, or which are being intentionally thwarted. Our attorneys can help you handle any and all legal issues that arise after your visitation/parenting agreement has been finalized.
If you need experienced legal assistance to assert your visitation/parenting time rights or to handle other visitation/parenting matters, contact us at 630-462-9500. We will answer your questions and discuss how our attorneys can help you resolve your visitation/parenting time dispute. From our office in Wheaton, Illinois, we work with clients throughout DuPage County and the surrounding areas of northern Illinois.