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Child Custody Frequently Asked Questions In Illinois
Wheaton Family Law Attorneys for Child Related Matters
The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. is here to help answer your questions about child custody, which is now known as the allocation of parental responsibility in Illinois. Our attorneys have more than 110 years of combined legal experience handling all types of child custody issues in Illinois.
Our Answers To Child Custody FAQs
Our family law firm is dedicated to helping families find a better future. Our lawyers will guide you through your family law case and answer your questions so you are informed about your options. We have a history of helping parents and families in Wheaton and throughout Illinois.
Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about child custody:
How is child custody decided?
Several factors are taken into consideration when determining how to allocate parental responsibility/child custody. In Illinois, each parent is responsible for certain responsibilities of the child and is allowed parenting time or visitation, unless the parent is dangerous.
What is legal custody?
Legal custody is now known as the allocation of parental responsibilities, and it gives the parent or guardian the right to make major parenting decisions for their child. Illinois law identifies four areas of parental responsibility which can be allocated to one parent or shared by both parents:
- Education
- Medical care
- Religion
- Extracurricular activities
What is physical custody?
Physical custody is now known as parenting time, and it determines which parent or guardian will physically live with and take care of the child. One parent may have the majority of the parenting time, or both parents may have equal or near-equal amounts of parenting time with their children.
What does a parenting plan cover?
A parenting plan should state the parental responsibilities of each parent, including which decisions are to be shared between parents and which responsibilities will be allocated to an individual parent. The plan should also include a schedule of when each parent is responsible for the child and which birthdays, holidays, or other events will be spent with each parent.
What is parental alienation?
Parental alienation is when one parent manipulates their child to be fearful, disrespectful, or hostile to the other parent.
Do I have to pay child support if I have equal parenting time?
Child support is based on specific guidelines used to calculate the amount of child support you are required to pay. In the past, child support was calculated based on a percentage of the income earned by the paying parent, but for divorces finalized after July 1, 2017, child support is based on the income earned by both parents, and each parent will be responsible for a portion of the child support based on the percentage they contribute to their combined income. The amount of parenting time you spend with your child may also impact your child support obligations.
Can grandparents receive visitation rights?
Grandparents do not technically have visitation rights in Illinois. However, grandparents may receive visitation from the court if it is in the best interests of the child. Visit our page on grandparent visitation rights to learn more.
Get Your Questions Answered
Your case is unique to you. You should get answers tailored to your specific situation. Our family law attorneys are here to answer your questions. Call 630-462-9500 or contact us online.