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Important Considerations to Make When Discussing Divorce with Your Children
There are many ways to talk to children about divorce, and no one way is necessary "right." However, there are some things that parents can do to help improve their child's reaction to the conversation. This positive start can also improve a child's overall adjustment during the divorce process. Show your child that your family will survive and use the following considerations when talking to your child about the impending divorce.
Plan Your Conversation Before Anyone Leaves
One of the biggest mistakes parents can make during divorce is not talking to their children prior to the actual split. It can make adjustment even more difficult, and some children may even perceive it as a betrayal of trust. So make sure you take to your children before anyone leaves the home. For younger children, you do not have to give it more than just a few days. School-aged children may need a little longer, possibly a one to three weeks.
Time Your Conversation Carefully
While, ultimately, you do want to give your children time to adjust to the idea of the split, you also need to be mindful of important dates. Try to avoid talking to them on birthdays, during holidays, or on days when they have an important exam or activity. They need you to talk to them at a time and on a day that you can be present to support them - partly because they need to know you will continue to be there to support them during the divorce.
Speak Plainly and with a Calm Tone
While emotion may be unavoidable, and could even be a positive thing since it indicates you do take the divorce seriously (and that splitting up is painful for you, too), it is important that you do not let your emotions rule the situation. Children need to know you are in control of the situation, and that the divorce truly is the best decision for everyone. You should also talk to them plainly. Regardless of any reservations you may have about using words like separation and divorce, children do best when you are upfront and honest with them.
Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers Can Help Smooth the Process
Talking to your children is a critical moment in the divorce process, but so is choosing an attorney. Committed to your best interests and dedicated to making the transition as smooth as possible for you and your family, The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. is the firm to trust with your case. Call 630-462-9500 to schedule your consultation with our DuPage County divorce lawyers today.