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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

Explaining Your Divorce to Your Children

 Posted on October 11, 2018 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyersEvery year, thousands of American couples choose to file for divorce. Divorce can be brought on for a multitude of reasons, but it does create complications in family dynamics. For couples with children, the decision to pursue a divorce can be incredibly difficult. Even more difficult is the conversation that parents must have with their children. If you are considering a divorce, involving your children in the divorce process can be critically important to their emotional development as well as their understanding of their new home life.

Why These Conversations Are Important

Approximately half of all American children will witness the separation of their parents. While divorce oftentimes represents a healthier growing environment in comparison to an unhealthy married household, parents contemplating divorce need to help their children understand why they are separating. Studies conducted have found that children who experience a divorce in the household are more likely to experience depression, decline academically, and struggle with substance abuse. Children who experience a divorce are more than twice as likely to drop out of high school. Even later in life, children of divorce are more likely to experience psychological challenges such as anxiety, loneliness, and insecurity. All that said, a divorce can save a child from experiencing an abusive or dysfunctional home life.

How To Talk To Your Child About Divorce

A divorce can be the best thing for a child's long-term development if the parental unit no longer makes up a solid parenting foundation, yet it is vitally important to communicate with your child about your divorce. When you decide to inform your children on your decision to get a divorce, it is important to have a plan in place, have the conversation with your spouse, and give your child ample time to process the information.

When you choose to tell your child about your divorce, having a concrete parenting plan in place will give them comfort in their new life. It is important to be able to offer your child information on where they will be living, if there will be one sole-custodial parent, or if custody will be shared, and how the divorce will impact their social life. It is also important to have the conversation with your former spouse. Showing your child that you and your former-spouse can still have a functional co-parenting relationship can offer them comfort during this time of change. Lastly, it is critical to be there as a support system to answer questions and help your child process the new information. A divorce is difficult for the whole family, maintaining your parental responsibilities can make all the difference for your children.

Contact a Will County Divorce Lawyer

At The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our team understands just how hard a divorce can be for everyone in the household. If you are considering a divorce, finding a legal team you can trust can ensure that you and your family will have a vibrant financial future. To set up a consultation with a DuPage County family law attorney, call us today at 630-462-9500.



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