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Family law statistics reveal top locations for divorce
For many, a marriage does not always go the way one initially expects. Although many start the journey to marriage with the idea of living together happily ever after, the reality is that many marriages end in family law court. Researchers have been looking into the facts surrounding divorce and have come up with the top 25 locations where couples typically end it. While no city in Illinois made the top 25, individuals living in the state are still likely to be affected by marital dissolution at some point in their lives.
The old adage is that half of all marriages end in divorce, but is this actually true? Recent statistics show that this really isn't the case. Since its peak in the 1980s, divorce rates have actually been declining. More people are waiting until they are older to marry, which some experts say can account for the decline in breakups.
Despite the decline, more than 10 percent of the U.S. population can expect to end a marriage at some point. A significant percentage of individuals, more women than men, say they never expect to remarry. Data collected from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey looked at information about marriage from the 200 most populous cities in the United States. After collecting the data, the group of researchers found the top 25 divorce capitals.
Ranging from east to west, north and south, the facts show that divorce is fairly common in America. Residents from Illinois may find themselves in need of a family law court as well. Preparing for divorce can be a challenge, which is why many individuals choose to hire an experienced attorney for more guidance as they undergo the process.
Source: wtvr.com, "These 25 cities are the divorce capitals of the United States", Jan. 29, 2018