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Five Things an Illinois Parenting Plan Should Include
Divorcing parents in Illinois have to manage a myriad of complex issues: Child support, asset division, spousal support, and more. While every divorce is different, many parents will agree that designing a parenting plan is one of the most challenging aspects of divorce. If you have children under the age of 18 and are pursuing divorce in Illinois, here are five things you will need in your parenting plan.
Basic Details About You and Your Children
Every parenting plan must describe specifically to whom the plan applies. You will need information about your children, including their dates of birth and primary address. You must also include your and your spouse's information, such as work and home contact numbers. If you cannot find your spouse or do not know their contact information, seek assistance from a divorce attorney.
Parental Responsibilities
The term “parental responsibilities” describes the major decision-making authority each parent has regarding important issues like education, religion, health, and extracurricular activities. Parents often share joint parental responsibilities in Illinois, and if they do, they must include the dispute resolution method they will use when they do not agree about something.
Parenting Time
A significant majority of parents in Illinois share parenting time. A parenting plan must, therefore, include details about when each child will be with each parent, how they will move between households, which parent is responsible for school pick-up and drop off, and any other details regarding the physical location of the children.
Right of First Refusal
The right of first refusal is an important but frequently misunderstood part of a parenting plan. Essentially, it requires parents in certain situations to rely on each other for supplemental child care before seeking child care elsewhere. Parents can create a plan that makes sense for their schedules, distance between households, and personal wishes. If having the right of first refusal does not make sense for a particular family, parents can choose to leave it out - but they must specify that in the parenting plan.
Relocation Plan
People rarely live in one place for their entire lives, and divorced parents may need to move more often. A parenting plan should include a detailed provision about how parents will handle relocation. This could include how much notice they will give each other, how far they can move without approval from the other parent, and a requirement to re-negotiate child pick-up and drop-off responsibilities.
Call a Skilled Wheaton, IL Parenting Plan Lawyer
Creating a parenting plan takes time and patience, especially if you are getting divorced for the first time. The experienced DuPage County parenting plan attorneys with The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. can prepare you so you know what to expect and help you understand your options so you can design a parenting plan an Illinois court is likely to approve. Call us today at 630-462-9500 to schedule an initial case review and learn more about how we can help.