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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

Four Tips For Staying in Your Child's Life After Divorce

 Posted on June 23, 2021 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyerDivorce can be a traumatic event for children, but there are things parents can do to make the process easier. Staying connected to their child during and after the divorce is the priority of most parents, and studies show that children with involved parents tend to do much better throughout their entire life. Here, we explore some of the best ways parents in Illinois can remain close with their children after a divorce.

Be Assertive in the Relationship

Kids sometimes react unpredictably following a divorce. They may become withdrawn, surly, and even directly tell you they don't want to talk to you. Nevertheless, a parent who remains stubbornly in pursuit of a loving relationship with their child is more likely to achieve success in the long run.

Make Your Home a Place They Want to Be

Parents don't have to spoil or overindulge their children while creating a warm, loving home. Basic measures will go a long way towards making your home a happy place that children want to be. Keeping things clean and organized will contribute to a peaceful, stable environment. Having regular family dinners will show you care about their well-being. Showing respect for their other parent – at a minimum, not trashing-talking them – will help your child feel more comfortable being around you.

Be Curious

What is your child into these days? During childhood and teenage years, kids change quickly – sometimes without their parents noticing. Talking with your child about their hobbies and interests will help engage them productively, as well as give you both something you can share together. If they are into sports, you can take them to a game. If they are into anime books, find out when the next book in the series is coming out – and go to the bookstore together to get it.

Stay Consistent

Kids need stability. This is true whether it is in terms of establishing a routine, living in the same home, or meeting your new boyfriend or girlfriend. When a parent has many new friends and dating partners rotating in and out of their lives, it can be difficult for a child to adjust. Nobody wants to get attached to a new person if they fear that person will eventually leave, just as nobody can truly settle into a house they know they will eventually move out of. Parents who work to give their child the gift of predictability and routine will reap the rewards in the long run.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

If you are considering divorce or are going through a divorce, hiring a Wheaton, Illinois divorce attorney will help you focus on your child's best interests. The experienced attorneys at the The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. will guide you in making decisions that will set you up for success. Speak with an attorney at our office by calling us today at 630-462-9500 for a confidential consultation.




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