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How Can Social Media Use Affect My Illinois Divorce?
Social media is almost universally used by residents of Illinois. Without thinking twice, many of us share intimate details about our personal lives on forums where anyone who knows how to take a screenshot can keep those details forever.
It is always important to exercise caution when using social media, but when as much as 80 percent of divorce attorneys say they would use social media posts as evidence, during divorce it is absolutely crucial. In this blog, we discuss some ways that social media use could negatively influence a divorce.
Financial Transparency
An important part of divorce is getting accurate information about each partner's finances. Some spouses try to hide or lie about their income, only to get busted when posting pictures and videos about a lavish lifestyle. Even if someone is merely trying to give the impression of having more money than they really do, this could be used as evidence of financial dishonesty during divorce proceedings. Professional social media sites may be used to find discrepancies between a spouse's stated employment and their true employment history. When in doubt, it is best to be completely transparent about your finances and avoid sharing anything related to money on social media.
Proving Infidelity and Dissipation
Illinois does not allow spouses to prove fault through infidelity, but social media posts that show one spouse going to expensive dinners or taking lavish vacations with a new partner may be used as evidence of dissipation - that is, using money unrelated to the marriage while the marriage is undergoing an irretrievable breakdown. Money that is found to have been dissipated by one spouse may be recovered by the other spouse during the marital asset division process.
Parental Neglect or Unfitness
Posting videos of yourself drunk with your friends at 3 a.m. on a weekday when your children are at home with a babysitter is risky business during divorce. If a spouse wants to claim that you are an unfit parent, oversharing on social media may provide a perfect opportunity for digging up dirt on you. This is especially true of behavior that is risky or illegal. Nobody ever said parents are not allowed to have fun, but until the divorce is over, it may be best to keep your adventures to yourself.
Get Help From an Experienced Wheaton, IL Divorce Lawyer
Failing to understand the implications of unwise social media usage can have a detrimental effect on the process and outcome of your divorce. To avoid unnecessary conflict and potential negative consequences, work with a skilled DuPage County divorce attorney with The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.. We have helped many people navigate divorce wisely so their divorce was as fast and smooth as possible. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation over the phone or in-person and learn more about how we can help you. Call us at 630-462-9500.