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1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
How Can Using Expert Witnesses Help Me During My Illinois Divorce?
The overwhelming majority of divorce cases end in a settlement. This means that the couple is able to come to an agreement about various divorce issues without having to go to trial. However, court involvement may be necessary if spouses cannot reach an agreement. If the case does end up going to court, the couple will no longer have the final say over the decisions made -- a judge will. The judge will make determinations that are in line with the law, but before they can do that, they have to understand all of the facts of the case. This is typically done by each spouse's attorney presenting evidence, but in some cases, expert witnesses can also be called to the stand to give testimony about certain issues. A consulting expert may provide insight and help your attorney build a strong claim before the case advances to trial.
Property Division Issues
During the property division process, the judge will use a variety of factors to determine how the couple's marital property will be distributed amongst the two of them. These factors include things such as each spouse's income and earning potential, how long the marriage lasted, what the potential tax consequences of distribution may be, and the age and health of each spouse. In order to provide the judge with accurate information, your attorney may put an expert witness on the stand to allow them to give their opinion on your situation. Many times, expert witnesses are forensic accountants or financial analysts who can speak about issues relating to property division, such as asset valuation and developing a basis for the couple's standard of living during the marriage.
Child-Related Issues
Experts can also be useful in cases involving child custody disputes. In many cases, these experts are child psychologists, parenting coordinators, family counselors, or even child custody evaluators. These expert witnesses can help paint the picture that you want to convey to the judge by providing their opinion on child-related issues, such as parenting time and decision-making responsibilities.
Contact a Knowledgeable Wheaton, IL Divorce Lawyer
During any divorce, it can be a good idea to hire professionals who are trained in specific fields. In a contested divorce, those professionals can give testimony on your behalf for any issues that may need explaining. At The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., we can help you determine whether or not an expert witness is needed for your case. Our team of skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers is here to guide you throughout the divorce process. Call our office today at 630-462-9500.