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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

Safely Navigating Social Media During Your Divorce

 Posted on January 31, 2017 in Divorce

In divorce, nearly anything you say or do can be used against you. This rule also applies to your social media account. Unfortunately, far too many divorcees do not understand this and end up jeopardizing their case. Avoid making this same mistake by learning how to safely navigate social media during divorce.

No Engagement Means No Evidence

The most effective way to avoid any mining of your social media account is to simply not use it. Do not share photos. Do not post status updates or tweet. Instead, go completely "dark." Archaic as it might seem, and difficult as it might be to consider, it is literally the only way to ensure you do not unintentionally hand your spouse (and their attorney) easy evidence to use against you in court.

If You Must Post - Do So Carefully

Not everyone can stay offline. Some must use social media for their business. Others just cannot find a way to tear themselves away. In such situations, it is critical to ensure you carefully consider every single post. Assume that the worst will be said about everything you share. For example, sharing a photo of you and some friends having a glass of wine at dinner could be turned into accusations over your "heavy drinking" and how you expose your children to "dangerous situations." When in doubt, leave it out of your feed.

Vet Your Friends Carefully

When you and your spouse split, you may assume that mutual friends will stay out of the middle of your divorce. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In fact, many do end up choosing sides. Some may simply share what they consider "troubling" information with your spouse out of obligation. Others may share to gain access to gossip or to prove their value in the divorce split. Either way, you should vet your friends carefully. Keep only those you know you can trust and delete, block, or otherwise keep all others from seeing your posts.

Change and Monitor Privacy Settings

In addition to vetting your friends, you may wish to update your privacy settings. Ensure your posts can only be seen by those you are directly friends with, and check the setting often since social media sites change their policies often. You should also ask your friends to refrain from posting any photos or status updates with you in them. Again, what might seem innocent could be used against you, and a friend without high privacy settings could unknowingly hand that information over to your spouse and their attorney.

Contact Our Experienced Divorce Lawyers

If you are planning on filing for divorce, contact The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. for assistance. Our Wheaton divorce lawyers can guide you through the divorce process, from start to finish, and we will work hard to get you the outcome you desire. Schedule your personalized consultation by calling us at 630-462-9500 today.



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