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Do Non-Traditional Roles in Marriage Increase the Risk of Divorce?
Family structures have changed significantly over the last couple of decades. It used to be that fathers went out and provided for the family while mothers cared for the children and home. Now there are single parent homes, homes where the father stays home, and still others where both parents work. Of course, no single option is really any "better" than another, but studies suggest that these non-traditional roles may be impacting the risk of divorce. Learn more about this phenomena, and how you can protect your family if you believe that divorce may be on the horizon.
Non-Traditional Roles and Divorce
In the recent study, researchers found that women do most or all of the house work in about 11 percent of all marriages, and somewhat more than men in about 60 percent of relationships. Around 25 percent of the couples stated they divided the work down the middle, and around 4 percent claimed the husbands did the majority of the work.
Overall, it was determined that families with a less "traditional" structure had a higher risk of divorce. Yet this may not be fully accurate. There are some limitations to the study. For example, the sampling of families in which dads did all or most of the work was rather small. Further, the information does not give a comprehensive overview of which families had stay-at-home dads and full-time working moms, and which had two full-time working parents.
Is It Possible to Mitigate the Risk?
On one hand, it might be possible to mitigate the risk of divorce in non-traditional families. For example, one individual suggested that the reason the divorce rate may be higher among such couples is because men do not always clean or take care of household duties like women do. If they could find a compromise, or perhaps find a way to work through the issue, their risk of divorce might be reduced.
Unfortunately, even couples with the best of intentions fail at mitigating their risk of divorce. In such situations, legal assistance is crucial - not only because it can help reduce the risk of costly mistakes, but because an attorney can help reduce the risk of contention that may cause emotional and behavioral issues in children.
Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers
The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. can guide you in your divorce. Dedicated and experienced, our DuPage County divorce lawyers can protect your interests, assist you in avoiding mistakes and contention, and can fight whenever necessary to preserve your rights. To schedule your personalized consultation, call us at 630-462-9500 today.