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Wheaton, IL 60189
Preparing for the Adoption Process
Over 100,000 children are adopted throughout the United States each year. It can be a wonderful thing for children needing a family and parents looking for a child to love. While many families yearn to adopt a child, the adoption process can be incredibly complicated. Every single adoption comes with its own complexities, and the process can be quite difficult for families to tackle on their own. If your family is interested in adopting a child, an experienced adoption attorney can assist you as you look to welcome another member into your family.
Types of Adoption in Illinois
Here in the state of Illinois, there are four primary types of adoption: private adoptions, agency adoptions, international adoptions, and related adoptions.
- Private adoption is when adoptive parents and biological parents set up the adoption without the use of an agency;
- An agency adoption is facilitated by a private agency. When foster children are involved, the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services may handle the adoption. They, too, are considered a private agency;
- International adoption is an adoption in which a family adopts a child from another country;
- Related adoption is the technical term for an instance in which a family member adopts a child within their own family. These types of adoptions are common among step-parents, grandparents, and extended family members, such as aunts and uncles.
Preparing for Your Adoption
Regardless of the type of adoption that you are pursuing, success in the process is only possible through extensive preparation. Listed below are a few steps that your family can take to prepare for the adoption:
Financial Preparation: When preparing to add a child into your family, it is critically important to be financially prepared for the adoption. Providing for a child is rather expensive, in its own right, but the adoption process itself can be quite expensive. If you choose to pursue a private adoption, you will likely have to pay a substantial fee to the facilitating adoption agency. It is also important to note that international adoptions can be more expensive than other adoption options.
Securing Medical Records: Once you adopt a child, you have legally taken the child into your care, which means you are the responsible party for meeting their medical needs. In both private adoptions and related adoptions, it can be quite easy to receive the medical history of the parents of your future-child, but in both international and private adoptions, this can be a difficult process. Although it can be challenging to secure the medical records of families in international and private adoptions, working with your legal team to gain access to as much information as possible can save you time, money, and heartache in the future.
Emotionally Prepare for Challenges: After finalizing your Illinois adoption, your adopted child has all the legal rights of a biological child. The decision to adopt should not be taken lightly. Being adoptive parents can come with various challenges, including helping the child adjust to life with a new family. In international adoptions, a child must also adjust to a completely foreign culture. The unique challenges of adoption can be a great opportunity for familial growth, but if not handled properly, they can manifest into problems, such as depression, lacking self-confidence, and eating disorders later in the child's life.
Contact a Wheaton Family Law Team
At the The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our team believes that an adoption can be a truly beautiful thing. We also understand that the adoption process can come with dozens of unforeseen challenges. Fortunately, our attorneys have decades of family law experience within the state of Illinois, and we are prepared to represent you and your family as you navigate the adoption process. To schedule a consultation with a DuPage County adoption attorney, call us today at 630-462-9500.