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Wheaton, IL 60189
Protecting Your Child During a Divorce
A contentious divorce can be hard on everyone involved. However, children are especially vulnerable. If there is a dispute over the allocation of parental responsibilities in a divorce, the parents need to work hard to protect their children from feeling like they are pawns, or that they have to choose between their parents.
Keep the Routine Stable
A divorce or custody dispute often causes a lot of upheaval for everyone. The more stable you can make your child's daily routine, the more secure the child will feel about the new changes. The child should continue to attend the same school, participate in the same activities, and associate with the same friends as much as possible.
One of the factors court appointed custody evaluators often look at is which parent provides the child with the most stability. The more you can keep your child's routine the same, the better you will look to the evaluator.
Do Not Speak Negatively About the Other Parent
You may have a lot of negative thoughts and feelings about your spouse. You may even be justified in several of your views. However, your child is not equipped to deal with the adult issues you are struggling with yourself. When you speak negatively about the other parent, either directly to your child or around your child, you create feelings of hurt and confusion.
The child may feel like he or she is being forced to choose between his or her parents. This is not only damaging to your child, but can negatively affect your case for allocation of parental responsibilities or parenting time.
Encourage Your Child's Relationship With the Other Parent
Your relationship with your child's other parent may be coming to an end, but your child will need a positive relationship with both parents to give him or her the best chance at an emotionally healthy adulthood. You should encourage healthy bonding activities with the other parent. This means listening with a smile as your child tells you about the outings and adventures he or she had with the other parent. Additionally, this means working hard to be happy when your child gets to spend time with the other parent.
When your child senses that you are happy for him or her when he or she spends time with the other parent, it will strengthen your bond with your child. It will also remove a big source of stress from your child's life.
Consult With a Skilled Illinois Family Law Attorney
The attorneys at The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. can help answer any questions you may have concerning divorce, the allocation of parental responsibilities, or any other family law issue. Please contact our skilled DuPage County family law lawyer right away to find out how to best protect your rights. Call 630-462-9500 today.