After Hour New Client Telephone Number 630-690-6077
1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
Strategies for Success in High Net Worth Divorce Cases
It is no secret that a high net worth divorce can present unique challenges compared to the average divorce case. However, with the right strategy and a dedicated attorney by your side, you can emerge from divorce proceedings with your head held high and your bank account intact.
At The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., we recognize the challenges that come with a high-net-worth divorce. Our team of qualified attorneys is ready to work with you to construct a customized strategy so that once it comes time for proceedings to begin, you are prepared to defend your interests and fight for an equitable settlement.
The First Step is Identifying Your Assets
When a divorce features considerable assets, the first step of navigating the situation needs to be obtaining a full accounting of these assets. Assets can range anywhere from homes to businesses and more, making it crucial that your legal team carries out a comprehensive financial audit. A financial audit involves an examination, review, and evaluation of all your assets. This audit will also include examining shared assets as well.
Think of it this way: the only way to truly protect your assets begins with understanding what those assets even are. Once the assets have been identified and accounted for, steps can be taken to secure these assets. Lots of preparation is necessary to successfully identify your assets. This is something your experienced attorney will be able to assist you with.
Keeping Emotions Under Control is a Key to Success
With more assets at stake, it is possible that a high-asset divorce may feature more intense emotions than a divorce featuring fewer assets. You must stay vigilant in keeping your emotions in check at all times. Chances are, with competent and empathetic attorneys by your side, your legal counsel can keep you focused on the situation at hand. Remember, your goal should always remain crystal clear: securing a fair settlement.
Getting Numbers Right the First Time
The more assets involved in a divorce, the more important it is that these assets are assessed with pinpoint accuracy. Engaging skilled individuals, such as forensic accountants to business valuators, can aid in substantiating the worth of your assets. Do not underestimate the importance of professionals such as these, especially in divorce cases involving lots of money.
Contact Our Wheaton, IL High Net Worth Divorce Lawyers
Ultimately, a high net-worth divorce demands more than just sound legal advice. It demands comprehensive strategies, calm composure, extensive preparation, and trusted support. With the right approach, you can retain what is rightfully yours while minimizing unnecessary stress. For assistance, contact the experienced and respected DuPage County, IL high net worth divorce attorneys with The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.. Call 630-462-9500 for a confidential consultation today.