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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

Taking Care of Yourself During and After a Divorce

 Posted on July 13, 2018 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyers, divorce process, divorce self-care, post-divorce, divorce therapyAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 827,261 American couples divorced throughout 2016. During a divorce, former spouses are forced to focus on the logistical side of their separation. From resource allocation, to issues of child custody, divorces can be complicated and aggravating. In the midst of the divorce, many Americans forget to focus on their own personal self care.

While a divorce can be trying for the whole family, neglecting to take care of one's self can be a detrimental mistake. Finding a compassionate and experienced legal team can help you turn your focus from the legal side of the divorce to the emotional side of a separation from a spouse.

Getting the Self-Care You Need

Focusing on your own emotional needs during a divorce can be one of the hardest things to allow yourself to do, and this holds especially true when children are involved. Still, allowing yourself the time and space you need to grieve and heal after your divorce can help you become a better parent and person. With that, here are a few tips that could help you recover from the emotions of a divorce.

Talk to Someone

In the aftermath of a divorce, it is extremely common for both former spouses to feel a wide array of emotions. From stress over finances and the well-being of their children, to sadness of the separation from their former-partner, being emotional during a divorce is completely normal. For many people going through or recovering from the divorce process, talking to someone about their emotions can help.

A large number of people elect to begin routine visits to a therapist, post-divorce. Seeing a therapist can help one move away from negative emotions, analyze what lead up to the divorce, and help one become a better parent to their children. If you are recovering from a divorce, seeing a professional therapist could help you move forward into a new chapter of life.

Take Your Time

After a divorce, many Americans make the mistake of rushing back into their normal everyday life. While remaining involved in daily routines can help one cope with the emotional stress of a divorce, it is also important to take the time to heal from the separation from a spouse.

Periods of introspection can be invaluable for those moving on from a divorce. Taking the time to further understand why the divorce occurred can help one maintain a professional and cordial relationship with their former spouse, while also helping in the navigation of future relationships. As you move on from your divorce, giving yourself the time you need to truly heal can make all the difference in your life moving forward.

Avoid Substances

According to a 2017 report conducted by researchers from a number of universities and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, those divorcing a former spouse have a higher likelihood of abusing alcohol and other addictive substances. Avoiding substances can be a difficult proposition during times of emotional strife, including divorce, but abusing substances can be detrimental in the healing process of a separation. Avoiding substances during the divorce process can be problematic for a spouse attempting to gain joint or sole custody of their children.

Post-divorce, the abuse of substances can harm relationships with new partners, relationships with the former spouse, as well as relationships with children. In the aftermath of a divorce, make the healthy choice and avoid the abuse of substances.

Contacting an Experienced Divorce Attorney

The divorce process can be trying and difficult due to the incredible amount of logistical work that needs to be done. Hiring a competent team of divorce attorneys can give you the time you need to heal and process your divorce. At The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our team understands how hard a divorce can be emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. If you are considering a divorce for the betterment of yourself and your family, contact our team of DuPage County divorce lawyers by calling us today at 630-462-9500.




https://www.drugrehab.com/2017/03/21/alcoholism-linked-divorce-studies-suggest/July 10, 2018

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