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Wheaton, IL 60189
The Advantages of Mediation
The divorce process can be consuming and draining. As former-spouses begin the process of establishing new lives apart, financial complications, custodial issues, and other details can make the divorce more complicated than initially anticipated. When a couple decides that a divorce is their best option, they have two choices. They can enter a courtroom and let lawyers, and ultimately a judge, decide on issues of custody and alimony, or they can proceed with mediation — a process in which the two former-spouses sit down with attorneys and a mediator and decide together how to best deal with financial and custodial issues.
In the state of Illinois, mediation represents a way to amicably and cooperatively work to find the best ways to deal with issues such as division of marital property and parental responsibilities. In the event that issues arise and cannot be resolved in a mediation setting, moving the case into a traditional family law setting is always possible.
Consider the following reasons why mediation may be the right decision for you and your family. For additional information, contact a knowledgeable mediation lawyer today.
The Benefits of Mediation
While working towards compromise with the spouse you are attempting to separate from may not seem like the easiest option, mediation can be beneficial for both parties for a multitude of reasons.
Mediation Can Save You Time
Traditional negotiation settings and litigation periods can be long and drawn out; however, mediation has the potential to be a much quicker process. If both parties show a willingness to compromise and work together, then the divorce can be finalized in a matter of weeks. The divorce process can be a difficult time for the entire family, especially when children are involved, and finalizing the details as quickly as possible can be beneficial for the whole family.
Save Money Through Mediation
In addition to the time you can save in electing to pursue a mediation, you can also save money. The average cost of a contested divorce is around $15,000, and in many cases can rise all the way up to $30,000. The average mediation cost is right around $5,000.
Work Towards a Cooperative Future
While mediation can be a difficult process, due to the direct interaction you are forced to have with the spouse you are attempting to separate from, mediation can be an invaluable process in learning how to build an amicable relationship with your former spouse moving forward.
This process can be increasingly important when children are involved, mediation can help you come to an agreement on a joint-custody plan that benefits all parties involved. Maintaining a professional relationship with your former spouse can be monumentally important to the emotional well-being of your children.
Contacting a Knowledgeable Mediation Lawyer
At The Stogdill Law Firm, P.C., our team of attorneys understand just how emotional and difficult the divorce process can be. If you and your family elect to pursue the mediation process rather than a traditional family law setting, contact our team of experienced DuPage County mediation lawyers. Call us today at 630-462-9500.