After Hour New Client Telephone Number 630-690-6077
1776 S. Naperville Road, Building B, Suite 202,
Wheaton, IL 60189
The Implications of a DUI Conviction in Illinois
According to the National Highway Traffic Association (NHTSA), upwards of 1.6 million Americans are convicted of Driving Under the Influence each year. Here in the state of Illinois, drunk driving continues to pose a massive threat for law enforcement officials, as just under 2,000 people were arrested for driving drunk in the greater Chicago area, throughout 2017. Even with the sheer number of DUI arrests, a conviction can come with massive implications. If you are arrested on charges of a DUI, it is important to meet with a legal representative and explore your options, moving forward.
The Impact of a DUI
Here in the state of Illinois, a DUI conviction comes with legal ramifications that can change your life forever. A first conviction is a Class A Misdemeanor, and it comes with a year-long driving ban and suspension of vehicle registration. The real impact of a DUI conviction comes in the financial impact of hiring a legal team, the misdemeanor on your permanent record (impacting future job opportunities and potential bank loans in the future), and the recognition of the fact that a second conviction could be incredibly damaging.
The Impact of Additional DUI Convictions
The second, third, and fourth DUI convictions can come with severe criminal punishment. While a second conviction still represents a Class A misdemeanor and typically only results in minimal jail time, a third conviction within the state of Illinois can have a monumental impact on one's life. According to Illinois State Law, a third DUI conviction constitutes a Class A Felony that may result in the loss of driving privileges for a minimum of ten years. Additionally, the convicted party will face a $2,500 fine and potential jail time of up to 90 Days in prison. In the event of a fourth DUI conviction, the driver will face a Class 2 Felony Charge, revoked driving privileges for life, potentially substantial jail time, and a possible fine of $5,000.
The Family Law Implications of a DUI
In the event that you are in the midst of a family law case while you face potential DUI charges, it is important to understand how a conviction could impact you and your family. A conviction can change the way a judge views issues of divorce, such as spousal maintenance and allocation of resources. Most importantly, a DUI conviction can negatively impact your chances of winning sole custody of your children, or visitation rights, in the event that you are not granted full custody.
Set Up a Consultation with a DuPage Criminal Defense Lawyer
At The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our team understands the impact that a criminal conviction can have on your family law case. If you are facing charges, such as a DUI conviction, it is critically important to find a legal team you can believe in. To set up a consultation with a Wheaton criminal defense attorney, call us today at 630-462-9500.