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Three Reasons a Parenting Plan Might Be Modified in Illinois
One of the most important things divorcing parents must do is arrange a suitable parenting agreement. Although it can be challenging to make the necessary compromises, a good parenting agreement can serve the entire family for many years.
Of course, if a child is ever in danger or a parent passes away, there will necessarily be a change in arrangements. But most parenting plans are modified for more innocuous reasons - children get older, people remarry, and parents sometimes have to move to a new home or change their work schedule. When there is a significant change in circumstances, it may be time to update the parenting agreement. Here are three common reasons a parenting plan may be modified in Illinois.
Physical Relocation
Illinois sets strict limitations around when a parent with majority parenting time can relocate with a child. Depending on the area he or she lives in, if the new home is more than 25 or 50 miles away from their current home, the relocating parent will need to get permission from the child's other parent or the court. Moving may also necessitate a rearrangement in parenting time because a greater or lesser distance could change the effort it takes to move a child between households.
Children Become More Independent
When children are very young, they cannot be given much control over where they are at any given moment. But as they transition into their teenage years, begin driving, and can fully express their preferences about which parent they wish to spend time with, it may be time to modify the parenting plan to reflect a child's wants and newfound independence. Of course, teenagers are not equipped to completely make these decisions for themselves, and parents should still maintain responsible involvement and awareness of a child's location at all times.
Job or Schedule Change
Most jobs have predictable schedules, but even the most predictable jobs can change unexpectedly. When a parent starts a new job or gets a different schedule at their current job, they may not be able to maintain their current parenting time arrangement. Even when modifying parenting agreements for reasons outside their control, parents should work hard to compromise and create a plan that benefits everyone.
Contact a DuPage County Parenting Plan Modification Lawyer
At The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our experienced Wheaton, IL parenting agreement modification attorneys know that plans can change. We are prepared to help you petition for a modification in your parenting plan so that it better reflects your family's needs. To find out more, schedule an initial consultation today by calling us at 630-462-9500.