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Wheaton, IL 60189
What Is the Difference Between Collaborative Divorce and Mediation?
The end of a marriage is rarely without conflict, but some divorces involve more contention than others. If divorcing spouses cannot reach an agreement about issues such as asset division, child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance, the court will need to intervene. Courtroom litigation is typically more expensive, time-consuming, and stressful than alternative means of resolution like mediation and collaborative divorce. When spouses are able to put their resentments aside and work cooperatively to resolve divorce issues, they will likely save a great deal of time and money. Read on to learn about two alternative dispute resolution methods available to spouses getting divorced in Illinois.
Negotiating Issues With the Help of a Mediator
It can be nearly impossible for two people who are ending their marriage to remain objective and reasonable when discussing divorce-related concerns. Spouses may understandably have a great deal of pent up anger, sadness, or disappointment about the circumstances that led to the end of the marriage. A mediator can be a huge benefit to spouses who need help staying on track and remaining focused on the goal of resolution during divorce negotiations. The mediator's job is not to deem either spouse's ideas and opinions as right or wrong. Instead, the mediator facilitates a productive, cooperative discussion so that spouses can reach an agreement about divorce issues without the need for court intervention. Unlike court litigation, conversations had during mediation are confidential.
The Collaborative Law Process Offers Many Benefits
The collaborative divorce process may be right for couples who have disagreements about the terms of their divorce, but they are not completely opposed to negotiating the terms cooperatively and amicably. During the collaborative law process, both spouses and their respective attorneys hold a series of meetings to discuss divorce issues in a non-combative, constructive way. The spouses, their lawyers, and any other professionals participating in the process, such as child specialists or financial professionals, sign a contract called a “participation agreement.” This contract states that both spouses, their attorneys, and the other professionals involved in the process promise not to go to court. When courtroom litigation is off the table, the spouses and their legal counsel can focus on finding creative ways to reach a resolution. Everyone involved is encouraged to work together to reach a settlement, because if the case does proceed to litigation, the parties' attorneys will withdraw from the case, and both spouses will need to find new legal representatives.
Contact a Wheaton Collaborative Divorce Lawyer
Collaborative divorce and mediation are two ways that you can avoid making your divorce more antagonistic than it needs to be. The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. is qualified to help you resolve divorce issues through mediation or the collaborative law process. If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement through an alternative dispute resolution method such as these, we are fully prepared to protect your rights and advocate on your behalf during court litigation. Schedule a consultation with an accomplished DuPage County divorce attorney by calling us today at 630-462-9500.