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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

What Legal Issues Can Arise in Different Types of Adoptions?

 Posted on April 15, 2019 in Family Law

Lombard adoption attorneyAn adoption is a beautiful chance for a family to raise a child, and for a child in need to have loving and caring parents. In many cases, however, the adoption process can be tedious and complicated, and in order to ensure that the process is completed smoothly and effectively, it is essential to work with an experienced family law attorney.

Addressing Adoption Issues

Here in the state of Illinois, there are four main types of adoption: agency adoptions, private adoptions, international adoptions, and relative adoptions. In all of these adoption options, it is critical to have an experienced legal professional representing your family's best interests. Some of the issues that may become involved in different types of adoptions include:

  • Agency Adoptions: An agency adoption is a process that is facilitated by a public or private organization. In many cases, these adoptions go through a private adoption agency. If you are adopting a foster child in the state of Illinois, the adoption will go through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). In private agency adoptions, it is not entirely uncommon for agencies to act in a corrupt or fraudulent manner. A legal professional can ensure that no unlawful conduct takes place.
  • Private Adoptions: In a private adoption, a biological parent and the adopting family work together directly to finalize the adoption. Due to the fact that no outside organizations are overseeing the adoption process, the importance of an attorney cannot be understated in these cases. When adopting, one of the most common concerns is the health history of the biological parents. An attorney can assist you in securing the medical history of the biological parents and determining how that may impact your child's life moving forward.
  • International Adoptions: In an international adoption, a family adopts a child from outside of the United States. In many cases, international adoptions can be difficult to finalize, and they can become incredibly costly. Communication with an international adoption agency can be challenging, considering the distance and potential language barrier. In some countries, adoption agencies are not required to be licensed, and adoptive parents may be more susceptible to financial exploitation. A family law professional can offer you helpful tips in the adoption process, beginning with never offering an adoption agency money up front.
  • Relative Adoptions: A relative adoption is a process in which a person adopts the child of a family member. While a relative adoption can initially be more straightforward due to the prior connection with the biological parent, there can be some challenges. In a relative adoption, a biological parent may attempt to maintain a significant role in the child's life. In most cases, this can be a good thing, but in other cases, it can lead to hostility, as well as confusion for the child. Speak with your attorney regarding the benefits and drawbacks of a relative adoption.

Contact a Wheaton Adoption Lawyer

If you are interested in adopting a child, the first step you should take is hiring a lawyer that you can believe in. At the The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., we have assisted dozens of families in finalizing their adoptions. With over a decade of family law experience in the state of Illinois, we are confident in our ability to assist you in a seamless and efficient adoption process. To schedule an initial meeting with a quality DuPage County family law attorney, contact us today at 630-462-9500.





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