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Wheaton, IL 60189
What Technology-Related Issues Do I Need to Address During My Divorce?
Divorce can be a difficult, stressful process. Addressing the complex issues involved in separating from your spouse and beginning your newly-single life can be overwhelming. As you work to resolve the various legal concerns and practical matters that arise during the divorce process, you may not realize that certain other aspects of your life will also be affected. One concern that can sometimes fall by the wayside is your use of technology, online services, and social media. During the divorce process, it is a good idea to comb through your online presence and consider the devices and systems you use and how these will be affected. Here are some issues to consider:
Reset Your Passwords
Whether your divorce is contentious or amicable, it is a good idea to change your passwords immediately to ensure that nobody else can access your accounts. A password generator can be used to create strong, completely random passwords that will provide the best level of security. This will prevent your ex-spouse from guessing any passwords that may be based on personal information (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). If you need help remembering passwords, you can write them down in a notebook or save them on your phone where only you will be able to see them.
Back Up What You Want to Keep
It is common in most households for families to share electronic devices, such as computers or tablets. When dividing assets, you might not get to keep all of these devices. If you have any data on shared devices that you want to keep, such as documents, photos, or tax information, be sure to save a backup on a hard drive or another type of storage device. After making a backup, you may want to restore a device to its factory settings to ensure that your ex will not have access to copies of your personal files.
Vet Your Social Media
Social media is a public forum, and what is shared online may be accessible by others, even if it is intended to be private. Taking care about what you post can be crucial if you will be addressing issues related to child custody during your divorce. Do your social media accounts include posts or pictures that showcase you in an unflattering light? If these were shown in court, could they be used to demonstrate that you are not fit to care for your child? During divorce, you will want to tailor your social media presence to show your best self both online and in real life.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer
By properly addressing technical issues and online accounts during your divorce, you can ensure that you will be able to complete the process of ending your marriage with minimal complications. To learn more about your rights and the steps you should take to protect yourself, contact our experienced Wheaton divorce attorneys. We will provide you with legal representation and help you complete the divorce process successfully. Call us today at 630-462-9500 to set up your consultation.