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Wheaton, IL 60189
When Mediation Can Be The Right Choice For You
In many divorce cases, one spouse elects to pursue a divorce based on the poor decisions of the other spouse. Some of the most common reasons for divorce include one spouse having an affair, one spouse recklessly spending money, or one spouse no longer carrying their weight as a parent. Still, in some divorces, both parties believe that separation is the best option for all parties involved. In these cases, a settlement may not be necessary, and a mediation may be the right choice for you and your former spouse.
What is a Mediation?
Mediation is the process in which you and your former-spouse meet with a neutral third-party and work to resolve the biggest issues holding up the finalization of the divorce process. Those most commonly discussed during a mediation include custodial responsibilities, child support payments, allocation of retirement finances, and distribution of property. A mediation is conducted outside the standard court process. When a divorce case is taken to court, in many cases, neither party walks away with what they wanted. A mediation represents a process in which neither party needs to agree until they absolutely want to.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Mediation
After you have decided to pursue a divorce, it is important to know the benefits of the strategies you could take during the divorce process. The benefits of a mediation can make a huge difference for you and your family. A mediation represents the opportunity to save money, expedite the divorce process, and work with your former-spouse on developing future agreements that work for all parties involved.
In other cases, a mediation may not be the best option for you. If you and your former-spouse no longer have a foundation of trust, working with each other (even with a third party present) can be incredibly difficult. If one spouse firmly believes that the divorce process cannot be solved without going to trial, the mediation process may be a waste of time and money. Moreover, if the relationship was physically abusive or emotionally harmful, the mediation process may trigger some levels of post-traumatic stress, and a trial may be the best option.
Meet With a DuPage County Family Law Lawyer
At the The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our legal team is dedicated to helping you and your family. Resolving the emotional and financial issues of your divorce in a cooperative manner can sometimes represent the healthiest option for you, your former-spouse, and your family as a whole. Our team of attorneys have spent years working with other attorneys and mediators, while also representing the best interest of our clients. To meet with a Will County mediation lawyer, call us today at 630-462-9500.