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Wheaton, IL 60189
Why Do Couples Get Divorced?
Every year, thousands of Americans elect to pursue a divorce. For many, a divorce can represent a new opportunity for love and life. An individual or couple can reach the decision to separate for a number of reasons. Below we will explore some of the most common reasons for divorce. If you are considering a divorce, it is critical you speak with an experienced legal team that can help you navigate the divorce process.
Top Reasons for Divorce
Divorce rates vary according to state and city. With a 21 ½ percent divorced adult population, East Alton near St. Louis is the divorce capital of Illinois. A recent study published in Couple Family Psychology looked at why most American couples pursue a divorce.
Heated Arguments
In most relationships, the ability to have healthy conversations and disagreements can be vital. That said, at some level, an abundance of arguments can become a problem. Arguing is cited as one of the primary reasons for roughly 57 percent of divorces. Heated arguments with a partner can impact one's self-esteem and overall emotional health. Moreover, an unhealthy amount of arguments can lead to domestic violence.
According to the study, cheating plays a role in approximately 60 percent of all divorces. Once a partner is dishonest with the other, it can be difficult or impossible to repair the damage done. Trust is a valuable foundation in any loving relationship. If you cannot trust your spouse to be faithful, it may be time to consider a divorce.
Reckless Behavior
In a large number of divorce cases, the separation is brought on due to the reckless behavior of a spouse. Reckless behavior can include excessive spending, alcoholism, drug abuse, or other issues. If your partner's behavioral patterns are causing you stress and anxiety, it is time to have a serious conversation with them. If talking to them about their habits does not solve the problem, you may need to examine the possibility of a permanent separation.
Contact a Wheaton Family Law Attorney
Regardless of why you choose to pursue a divorce, you need a legal team to protect your interests. At The The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., our team aggressively represents clients throughout the divorce process. Divorce can present complicated issues such as child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance. As you focus on the emotional aspects of your divorce, our team is here to help secure a vibrant financial future for you and your family. To schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable DuPage County divorce attorney, contact our team today at 630-462-9500.