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The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.

Parenting Time and Infants: Determining the Best Interest of the Child Can Be Tricky Business

 Posted on August 17, 2016 in Family Law

When parents file for divorce, they are more than just a case file. They are a family, about to split apart. Suddenly, a child will have two homes instead of one. Yet they still have just one childhood, one chance to grow up and know that they are loved by both of their parents. Little league games, dance recitals, first words, and first steps only happen once. Each birthday and Christmas signifies your child getting a year older. So how do you decide who spends what moments with a child that you share?

Experts Disagree on Best Parenting Time Arrangement for Infants

Sadly, there is no real evidence that points parents or family court judges in one direction when it comes to the determination of parenting time for an infant. Even the child experts disagree. Some say it is best if parents switch off every couple of days. Others say that parents should switch every week or every other week so each had adequate bonding time. Still others say that one parent should be the primary caregiver, and that the child should have as little disruption as possible when it comes to their days and schedules with that parent; the "other" parent may be lucky to have just a few hours a week.

Judges Struggle to Find the Right Parenting Plan

Although family court judges try their best to come up with a parenting plan that considers the best interest of the child and each parent's wishes, they do not have the ability to fully and completely understand each individual family. This, paired with the difficulty of balancing a mother's rights and the father's rights can make parenting time determinations for infants less than desirable for either (or both of the parents), and in some instances, even the child.

Parents are Best Suited to Determine Their Own Parenting Plan

Parents know their child. They know their circumstances - how difficult it might be to make the drive to conduct child exchanges, the level of contention within their own relationship, their work schedules. That makes them the most suited to develop their own parenting plans. Unfortunately, when they are caught up in the emotion of the divorce, it can make devising this plan extremely difficult.

Parents in the midst of divorce can get side-tracked by the details of the process, become angry or bitter, or are simply too emotional about the moments they themselves will lose that they forget to consider the moments their child will lose with the other parent. This is why it is so critical that parents seek the assistance of an experienced family law attorney for their parenting plan needs.

At The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C., we work with parents who are struggling to find the right parenting plan during the divorce process. When necessary, we also work aggressively to assert a parent's rights and the best interest of the child. Each case is handled with care and compassion by our DuPage County family law attorneys. To learn more about how we can help with your case, call 630-462-9500 and schedule your consultation today.



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