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Thinking About Adopting a Child in Illinois? Make Sure You Know the Law
Every child deserves a safe home full of people who care about him or her. For many children, adoption is their best hope of finding a loving home. The decision to adopt a child can be one of the most consequential choices a person ever makes. It is important to remember that adopting a child is also a major legal decision. Before you start the adoption process, it is essential to know the law in Illinois regarding adoption.
Who Can Adopt?
If you want to adopt a child, you should know about the adoption requirements established by Illinois law. To adopt in Illinois, you must:
Be an adult over the age of 18
Not have a legal disability
Have lived in the state for six months or longer
Have a good reputation in the community
There are certain exceptions to these rules. For example, while it is a disability, blindness alone cannot prevent a person from adopting a child. People under 18 years old may also be able to adopt a child if there is a good reason for it.
What Types of Adoption Are Available in Illinois?
People adopt for a number of reasons. Some adopt a stepchild or family member because the child does not have two parents who are able to care for him or her. Others adopt because of fertility issues or health concerns. The type of adoption you should pursue is largely determined by your reasons for adopting. If you want to give a parent-less child a loving home, adoption through an agency or the foster care system may be right for you. If you want to adopt an infant, a private adoption that is conducted by making an agreement with the birth mother may be your best choice.
Do I Need a Lawyer to Adopt a child?
Adopting a child is not a small task legally. There are many different obstacles and problems that you may run into during the adoption process. Furthermore, if you make mistakes, the adoption process may be significantly delayed or blocked entirely. An attorney can ensure that you are taking the steps necessary to give you the best chances possible of a successful adoption. Your attorney will also make sure that your rights are protected and that you are not being scammed or taken advantage of.
Contact a Wheaton Adoption Lawyer
If you are thinking about adopting a child, or if you need more information about Illinois adoptions, contact the The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. Schedule a personalized consultation with an accomplished Illinois adoption attorney by calling us at 630-462-9500 today.